Node Usage Analytics

For the different Kubernetes clusters tracked, this page provides node usage analytics with the following perspectives:

  • Recent nodes occupation by pods.
  • Node usage history by user-defined period of times.

Please note that the activation of these features requires a valid license.

Recent Node Occupation by Pods

This dashboard is displayed by selecting a node (1) and the option Nodes recent occupation (2).

For the selected node, the analytics render a piechart report for CPU and memory consumption (3).

On each report piechart we have:

  • The ratio of resources used by the different running pods.
  • The ratio of available resources.
  • The ratio of non-allocatable capacity.


Usage History

This dashboard is enabled by selecting a cluster (1) and a user-defined period of time (default is the last 24 hours).

For each node, we have a chart for CPU (4) and memory (5) resources rendered as a stacked-areas chart.

Each chart displays and helps understand the following metrics hourly-consolidated over time (i.e. as historical trends):

  • Overall capacity enabled by the node.
  • Capacity consumed by pods.
  • Available/free capacity.
  • Non-allocatable capacity.


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